Wednesday, June 28, 2023

An Overview of Best Sexologist in Patna for Sexual Weakness Patients

 कई लोगों और मरीजों के अनुरोध पर आज दुबे क्लीनिक यौन कमजोरी के निवारण के बारे में बताने जा रहा है।

आमतौर पर कमजोरी एक आम बात है और यह उन लोगों में होती है जो अनियमित दैनिक कार्य, असंतुलित आहार, अधिक तनाव और एलोपैथ दवाओं का अधिक सेवन करते हैं।

आमतौर पर मार्गदर्शन और जानकारी की कमी के कारण पुरुषों में यह यौन कमजोरी देखी जाती है। युवा अपने जीवन में भविष्य में होने वाले परिणाम को जाने बिना कई गलतियाँ करते हैं। युवाओं की संगति हमेशा यह निर्धारित करती है कि वे अपने जीवन को कैसे संभालेंगे। आज के समय में हर दस में से एक पुरुष यौन कमजोरी से पीड़ित है।

विश्व प्रसिद्ध आयुर्वेदाचार्य और पटना के सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट- डॉ. सुनील दुबे कुछ निम्नलिखित युक्तियाँ प्रदान करते हैं जिन्हें एक पुरुष यौन रूप से कमजोर रोगी अपना सकता है और अपनी समस्याओं से राहत पा सकता है।

यौन कमजोरी से निपटने के लिए कुछ प्रभावी सुझाव:

खुला संचार: कुछ लोगों के मन में यौन जीवन को लेकर छिपा हुआ डर होता है। वे अपनी यौन गतिविधियों से डरते हैं। कहा जाता है, "कई लोग, कई दिमाग"। यह खुला संचार हमेशा रोगी के यौन अनुभव को शांत करता है और उसे लगता है कि यह यौन कमजोरी सामान्य है और उसे इसके बारे में अधिक चिंता नहीं करनी चाहिए।

खुला संचार हमेशा दोनों भागीदारों के गुण और दोषों को स्पष्ट करता है। दोनों स्वतंत्र रूप से संवाद कर चर्चा कर इसमें सुधार कर सकते हैं। अपराधबोध की कोई संभावना नहीं होती है और पार्टनर आसानी से संबोधित करता है और दोनों ऐसा करते हैं तो आराम महसूस होता है।

रिश्ते के मुद्दों को संबोधित करें: खुशी का सबक है, "मामलों को वहीं छोड़ दें जहां इसकी जरूरत है"। एक पार्टनर का रिश्ता बेडरूम से बाहर आता है तो इसका असर दोनों पार्टनर पर पड़ता है। यह यौन रोग का पहला कारण है। उदाहरण के तौर पर, हम कह सकते हैं, जब कोई साथी शयनकक्ष के बाहर अपने प्रियजन की आलोचना करता है तो स्थिति हमेशा उसके लिए दया या चिंता पैदा करती है। इस अनुभव से यौन जीवन हमेशा असंतुष्ट रहता है और पार्टनर बहुत ज्यादा दुखी और चिंतित हो जाता है।

मनोवैज्ञानिक स्थिति: यदि कोई व्यक्ति अधिक थका हुआ रहता है और अधिक यौन कमजोरी का सामना कर रहा है तो उसे अपनी मनोवैज्ञानिक स्थिति में बदलाव करने की जरूरत है। इसके लिए यौन कमजोरी से पीड़ित व्यक्ति को किसी मनोवैज्ञानिक से मिलकर मनोवैज्ञानिक थेरेपी लेनी चाहिए।

यौन कमजोरी के रोगी को मनोवैज्ञानिक के दिशा-निर्देशों का पालन करना आवश्यक है। उनका लक्ष्य उस तनाव, थकान और तनाव को कम करना होगा जो रोगी को भयानक यौन कमजोरी के कारण महसूस होता है। वह हस्तमैथुन और कुछ बुरी आदतों से उबरने में भी मदद करेगा जो रोगियों की मनोवैज्ञानिक स्थिति को प्रभावित करती हैं।

व्यायाम: यौन कमजोरी के मरीजों को रोजाना व्यायाम करने की जरूरत होती है। यह एक श्वास व्यायाम है जो रोगियों के सारे सिरदर्द और तनाव को दूर करके शक्तिवर्धक का काम करता है।

नियमित श्वास व्यायाम से रोगियों को यौन कमजोरी जैसे शीघ्रपतन और अन्य समस्याओं के प्रतिकूल प्रभाव से बचने में मदद मिलती है

एक तरफ बढ़ता वजन भी थकान और थकावट का कारण है तो दूसरी तरफ अत्यधिक हस्तमैथुन या यौन क्रिया वजन घटाने का कारण बनती है। इसलिए, रोगी को उचित स्वस्थ आहार और फिटनेस दिनचर्या अपनाने की आवश्यकता होती है।

ध्यान: ध्यान मन और शरीर की एक कला और व्यायाम है जहां व्यक्ति हमेशा तरोताजा और जागरूक महसूस करता है। ध्यान न केवल यौन कमजोरी से बचाता है बल्कि यह हमारी यौन समस्याओं जैसे- पेनाइल डिसफंक्शन, प्रोस्टेट समस्याएं और एड्रेनल समस्याएं भी दूर करता है। ध्यान संभोग के दौरान ताकत भी प्रदान करता है जो हमारे दिमाग और शरीर को मदद करता है।

उचित स्वास्थ्यवर्धक आहार: यदि कोई व्यक्ति अपने यौन स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाना चाहता है तो उसे उचित स्वास्थ्यवर्धक आहार लेना चाहिए। स्वस्थ आहार स्वास्थ्य और दिमाग को बेहतर बनाने की प्राकृतिक प्रक्रिया है। अंडा प्रोटीन का बहुत अच्छा स्रोत है. दूध ऊर्जा का भी अच्छा स्रोत है। अखरोट, बादाम, अंजीर और किशमिश जैसे कुछ सूखे मेवे पुरुष प्रजनन अंग की मदद करते हैं। कुछ फल हैं जैसे- केला, सेब, ब्लैकबेरी, तरबूज और एवोकैडो पुरुषों को यौन सहनशक्ति और क्षमता बढ़ाने में मदद करते हैं। पुरुषों के शरीर में शक्ति प्रदान करने के लिए सीप जिंक का एक बड़ा स्रोत है। प्याज और लहसुन जैसी घरेलू सब्जियाँ यौन स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छी होती हैं।

शराब या नशीले पदार्थों से दूर रहें: शराब और धूम्रपान दोनों ही हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक हैं और यह हमारे शरीर पर बुरा प्रभाव डालते हैं। तम्बाकू और शराब का अधिक सेवन इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन का कारण बनता है। व्यक्ति को हमेशा शराब या नशीली चीजों के सेवन पर पैनी नजर रखनी चाहिए।

डिप्रेशन और तनाव: डिप्रेशन और तनाव हमारी यौन कमजोरी का एक बड़ा कारण है। जब कोई व्यक्ति डिप्रेशन या तनाव लेता है तो न सिर्फ दिमाग बल्कि शरीर भी जल्दी थक जाता है।

आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा का प्रयास करें: जब भी कोई यौन कमजोरी का शिकार होता है, तो उसे दवा चुनने को अपनी पहली प्राथमिकता देनी चाहिए। यह एक आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा है जो प्राकृतिक रूप से यौन कमजोरी से बचने के लिए 100% सटीक और प्रभावी है। एलोपैथिक दवाओं के कई बार हमारे शरीर पर कई दुष्प्रभाव भी पड़ते हैं। इसीलिए; हर किसी को अपनी यौन कमजोरी या किसी भी बीमारी के लिए आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा को पहली प्राथमिकता देने का प्रयास करना चाहिए।

यौन कमजोरी के उपरोक्त कुछ कारण थे, दुबे क्लिनिक ने यौन कमजोरी से बचने के लिए सावधानियां और समाधान प्रदान किए हैं।

यदि आप पुरुष हैं और अपने यौन स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करने में असमर्थ हैं, तो आप दुबे क्लिनिक से परामर्श ले सकते हैं। अपॉइंटमेंट लें और क्लिनिक पर जाएँ या हमारे सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर से फोन पर परामर्श लें जो आपके लिए 14:00 बजे से 18:00 बजे तक उपलब्ध है।

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:








Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

An outlook for fixation of Sexual Weakness in Male — Dr. Sunil Dubey

 People request us to give an exact answer and solution for Sexual Weakness. Many people ask for the following question in different types but the essence is one.

What are some of the best ways for a man to overcome sexual weaknesses?

How do I improve my sexual weakness?

How can we get rid of sexual weakness?

How do I fix my Sexual Weakness?

On the request of many people and patients, Today, Dubey Clinic is going to explain about Fixation of Sexual Weakness.

Generally, weakness is a common thing and it happens in those people who have irregular daily-work, unbalance diet, more stress, and excess use of Allopath Medicines.

Usually, this sexual weakness is seen in men due to lack of guidance and knowledge. The young people make many mistakes in their life without knowing its future result. The companies of young people always determine how they handle their life. In today’s time, one in every ten men suffers from sexual weakness.

The world-famous Ayurvedacharya and Best Sexologist in Patna- Dr. Sunil Dubey provide some following tips where a male sexual weak patient can adopt and feel from his problems.

Some effective tips to cope with Sexual Weakness:

Open Communication: Some of the people have hidden fear about sexual life. They are afraid of their sexual activities. It is said, “Many People, Many Minds”. This is open communication always pacifies the patient’s sexual experience and he finds himself that this sexual weakness is normal and not to take more worry about that.

Open communication always clarifies merits and demerits of both partners. Both can improve it after discussing with freely communication. There is no chance of guilt and the partner addresses easily and feel comfort if both do that.

Address Relationship Issues: The lesson of happiness is, “Leave the matters where it is need”. The relationship of a partner comes out of bed-room, then if affects both partners. This is the first cause of sexual dysfunction. As an example, we can say, when a partner criticizes his loved one outside of bed-room then the situation always makes a pity or anxious for him. This experience always leads to dissatisfy sexual life and the partner becomes sad and anxious too much.

Psychological Condition: If a person who is getting more tired and facing high sexual weakness then he needs to change his psychological condition. For that, the sexual weakness victim should take psychological therapy after meeting to a psychologist.

The sexual weakness patient needs to follow the guidelines of Psychologist. He will aim at reducing the stress, fatigue, and stress that patient feels due to dreadful sexual weakness. He will also help to overcome from the masturbation, and some bad habits that affect the patients’ psychological condition.

Exercise: The sexual weakness patients need to do exercise daily. It is a breathing exercise that works as a power boosting removing all the headache and tension of the patients.

Regular breathing exercise helps the patients to avoid the adverse impact of sexual weakness such as- Premature Ejaculation and other problems

One side the growing weight is also the reason of fatigue and tiredness, the other side, the excessive of masturbation or sexual activity causes the weight loss. Therefore, the patient needs to take proper healthy diet and fitness routine.

Meditation: Meditation is an art and exercise of mind and body where a person always feels fresh and aware. Not only Meditation avoids the sexual weakness but it also puts aside our sexual problems such as- Penile Dysfunction, Prostrate Problems, and Adrenal Issues. Meditation also provides the strength during sexual intercourse that helps our mind and body.

Proper Healthy Diet: If a person wants to improve his sexual health rich then he should take healthy food properly. The healthy diet is the natural process to boost up health and mind. Egg is the great source of Protein. Milk is also the good source of energy. There are some dry fruits such as Walnut, Almonds, Figs, and Raisins help the male reproductive organ. There are some fruits such as- Banana, Apple, BlackBerry, Watermelon, and Avocado help a male to increase sexual stamina and capability. An oyster is a huge source of zinc to help potency in a male body. The domestic vegetables like onion and garlic is sound good for a sexual health.

Abstain from Alcohol or Narcotics: Both alcoholism and smoking are injurious to our health and it affects our body badly. The excessive use of tobacco and alcohol cause Erectile Dysfunction. The person should always keep a keen eye on using alcohol or narcotics things.

Depression & Stress: The depression and stress is a big reason of our sexual weakness. Not only mind but also body gets tried quickly when someone takes depression or stress.

Try an Ayurveda Medicare: Whenever someone succumbs to sexual weakness, he should give his first priority choosing medication. This is an Ayurveda Medicare that is 100% exact and effective to avoid sexual weakness naturally. Allopathic medicines have plenty of side-effects on our body after sometimes. That’s why; everyone should try to give his first preference to Ayurveda Medicare for his sexual weakness or any disease.

There were the above some reasons of Sexual Weakness, Dubey Clinic have provided the precautions and solution to escape from the sexual weakness.

If are a male and is incapable of improving your sexual health, then you can consult Dubey Clinic. Take an appointment and visit at clinic or consult on-phone our sexologist doctor which is available to you from 14:00 PM to 18:00 PM.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:








Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Choose India’s Top-5 Sexologist in Patna online – Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Right now, you are residing in Delhi or anywhere in India. You need the consultation support for your partner sexual problem sake. You are looking for sexologist numbers on mobile phone. Seeing lots of sexologist doctors’ names and numbers, you get confused because you don’t know who the best is for you.

Immediately, you call to your relatives and ask for the sexologist. If you are fortunate then they will suggest you the best and good-credential sexologist contact numbers. If you are unfortunate then they will suggest you the same thing as you do online.

Actually, you are doing hard work to find out the top 5 sexologist in India where you can get your partner treated completely. In fact, your step deserves for the compliment but ever you think about Dubey Clinic. It might be possible you have seen it online but you did not care for that.

Here, without any extra discussion, we come to the main topic. Usually, you need the most reliable, highly-experienced, and full-time responsible sexologist. We understand your problem that’s why; we are suggesting you to consult this registered and ISO Certified clinic in Patna, Bihar India.

Dr. Sunil Dubey is the nation-wide famous sexologist and it always comes into the list of Top 5 sexologist in India. Right now, he is practicing in Dubey Clinic that is located at Langar Toli Chaurha in Patna, Bihar. All over India sexual ill call him and take their appointment on-phone or in-clinic.

The specialization of Dubey Clinic for the sexual patients:

  • Manually Checkup and Treatment Privileges
  • Experienced Hands and Transparent Medication
  • Full-time Responsible Sexologist Doctors’ Unit
  • 100% Effective and exact Medication and Cure
  • More than 50 years of Experience in this profession
  • International Fame Awarded Sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey
  • Confidential Data of Patients for all the time being
  • Successful Medication for 65,000 sexual patients
  • The experts of Ayurveda Medicare Team Unit
  • People’s first choice – Dr. Sunil Dubey in Patna, Bihar
  • 365 Days open from 08:00 AM to 20:00 AM

If you are having the sexual problem, then neither hesitate nor perplex. Share your guardian and consult Dubey Clinic. You will get the fix solution for your sexual problem with the help of Dubey Clinic Ayurveda Medicare. The appointment is available on-phone where you can get it confirmed for yourself.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:








Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

 Unhealthy life is really boring for any age of people. He is a man or she is woman, none wants unhealthy life. Where the good health co-operates us to think positive, the other side the bad health depresses us every time.

According to a medical or healthcare survey, the halves of the population in the world are suffering from anyone disease. Really, this data shows about our daily-routine, mentality, and thought how a person becomes unhealthy. The good thing about 50% people in the world that they are having a healthy life.

About Sexual Disorder:

This is a sexual life where both man and woman are excited. In India, our culture is traditional where man can discuss on this sexual matter but the women have some restriction. By the way, we are discussing on Sexual Disorder so we start discussing on this problem.

Generally, 50% of the population is suffering from anyone sexual disorder issues. The sexual disorder is categorized into four states such as- Desire Disorder, Orgasm Disorder, Arousal Disorder, and Pain Disorder. The patients visit Dubey Clinic to solve these sexual disorder problems.

Dr. Sunil Dubey is a well-known sexologist in Patna, Bihar India. His researched Ayurvedic Medicines are panacea for any chronic or general sexual patients. He has discovered lots of sexual medication in his sexologist profession like Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility Treatment, and so on. All over India even abroad sexual patients avail of his discovered Ayurveda Medicare and Treatment.

The benefitted patients always call him, “Best Sexologist in Patna” and mostly patients from Bihar state like him so much. Being a sexologist doctor, Dr. Sunil Dubey provides this Ayurveda Medicare Privileges to all the classes of sexual patients. His amiable and generous behavior always makes him great in this sexologist doctor profession.

Right now, you are reading this Article and you or your any kith and kin then suggest them to consult Dubey Clinic. Don’t hide the problem otherwise; this problem can disperse the family life. The appointment for clinical visit or on-call doctor is available on-phone where anyone can confirm it from 08:00 to 20:00 in India.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:








Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Get your Best Sexologist in Patna on-phone (14.00-18.00) – Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Whether you living in Mumbai, Kolkata, Ranchi, or anywhere in India or world, it does not matter

The matter is to fix your problem either it is online or on-call. If you are suffering from Sexual Disorder, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Sexually Transmitted Infections, or any Sexual Problem, then you get the problem and advanced medication this is the real matter.

Everyone in India is familiar with the world-famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey who is a 25 years experienced sexologist doctor in Patna. His achievements and successful Ayurveda Medicare are his real identification. He has cured more than 65,000 sexual patients successfully in India. The out-sider patients of UK, USA, Ukraine, and Gulf countries almost contact him for their better sexual health. He helps them all over India as well as the foreign sexual patients.

                         Best Sexologist Doctors in Patna, Bihar India - Dr. Sunil Dubey

Dubey Clinic is the oldest Ayurveda Clinic that prepares the world-famous Ayurvedic Medicines in his Dubey Laboratory. The expert team of Ayurveda Medicare prepares all the medicines that are 100% exact and effective to the sexual male and female patients.

Many patients from different states of India demanded for on-phone consultation facility with the world-famous Dr. Sunil Dubey. Dubey Clinic facilitated their demands and offers them on-call sexologist doctor privileges from 02:00 PM to 18:00 PM. Today, the outstation patients easily share their problems and take their Ayurveda Medicare from this clinic.

Mainly, Dubey Clinic is a national brand that is located in Patna, Bihar. The local patients easily visit this clinic every day and get their proper solutions for their problems. The experience and specialization in Best Sexologist profession always embellishes Dr. Sunil Dubey by which he inspires and works hard for the chronic sexual patients.

If you are the sexual patient and hesitate to share your problem then you can take an appointment for on-phone sexologist doctor with Dubey Clinic. It is 100% guaranteed when you join this clinic your problems will be disappearing from your life forever.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:








Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Monday, June 26, 2023

Best SEXOLOGIST Dr. Sunil Dubey in Patna for SDPT Solution

 पटना में एसडी समस्याओं के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट - डॉसुनील दुबे

आपके यौन जीवन के साथ क्या हुआ?

दरअसल, आपका पार्टनर आपमें ज्यादा दिलचस्पी नहीं दिखा रहा है। आप उससे घुलना-मिलना चाहते हैं लेकिन उसे ज्यादा दिलचस्पी नहीं है। सिर्फ औपचारिकता के लिए आप दोनों बिस्तर पर लेटे हुए हैं.

लेकिन ऐसा कब तक चलता रहेगा.

दरअसल, यह एक यौन विकार है जिसे चार भागों में वर्गीकृत किया गया है। यह संभव हो सकता है कि आपका साथी चार एसडी समस्याओं में से किसी एक का सामना कर रहा हो। एसडी की समस्या के बारे में न तो आपको ज्यादा जानकारी है और न ही उसे। यही बिस्तर में अलगाव की जड़ है.

पटना में दुबे क्लिनिक एक पूर्ण आयुर्वेद क्लिनिक है जो पुरुष और महिला रोगियों को संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य देखभाल यौन समाधान प्रदान करता है। विश्व प्रसिद्ध डॉ. सुनील दुबे पटना के सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट हैं जो चार यौन विकार समस्याओं के बारे में सभी यौन समाधान प्रदान करते हैं। मूल रूप से, ये चार यौन विकार हैं इच्छा विकार, उत्तेजना विकार, दर्द विकार और कामोन्माद विकार।

वह इन यौन विकारों के लिए 100% अधिक प्रभावी आयुर्वेदिक दवाएं प्रदान करते हैं। कोई भी पुराना यौन विकार रोगी कुछ ही दिनों में ठीक हो जाता है। इस बार आपको इस क्लिनिक में जाकर अपने प्राकृतिक जीवन के लिए उचित सुझाव और मेडिकेयर लेने की जरूरत है।

फ़ोन पर अपॉइंटमेंट लें और समय पर आएँ। दुबे क्लिनिक का कॉल प्रतिनिधि आपकी मदद करेगा।

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:








Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Masturbation: Best Sexologist Patna, Bihar India | Dr. Sunil Dubey

  हस्तमैथुन : तार्किक या स्वाभाविक नमस्कार दोस्तों, जैसा कि हम सभी जानते है कि हस्तमैथुन एक स्वयं सुख (संभोग) की आत्मक्रिया है। बहुत सारे वि...