Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Weak Penile Nerve: Best Sexologist Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Introduction to the weaker Penile:

Many people from India have asked Dubey Clinic how to get firm erection, last longer and enjoy their sexual life with their partner. Indeed, sexual life is one of the most hilarious and sensational activities for a couple or individual life which balances his physical, mental, and overall health. Today's topic is related to male sexual problem where his penile plays an important role in his sexual activity.

Imagine if someone has a weak penile or is suffering from penile weakness then what he will do in his sexual activity. As a result, he will be depressed and hopeless from his life. Here, our world famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey is always with all those men who are completely frustrated with their sexual life or health. He is India's leading senior sexologist doctor who practices at Dubey Clinic. He will help us share some important information on how to maintain a good sexual health.

About weak penile or penile weakness in men:

Generally, medical conditions, lifestyle factors and psychological factors play an important role in our good health. Any of these reasons can lead to sexual problems. In case of penile weakness, these factors affect a person's libido, physical health, sexual health and psychological well-being which is a cause of this sexual problem in men.

Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is the best ranking sexologist in Patna, has done his research on erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low sexual desire in men. He is a specialist in Ayurveda and Sexology medicine who says that medical, lifestyle, and psychological are the main factors those lead a person to this penile weakness sexual problem. Let us know in detail all the causes of penile weakness in men.


1. Medical conditions:

There are many medical conditions those are related to sexual problems lead a person to penile weakness. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Premature Ejaculation (PE) are the most common sexual dysfunctions in men which lead a person to this sexual problem. Peyronie’s disease (curved penile) and hormonal imbalance (low testosterone) always affects a person libido and both are medical conditions for penile weakness. Neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease) and cardiovascular disease are the medical condition for weak penile. Diabetes and obesity are also the medical condition that slows the blood circulation in body and overall health disturbs due to this medication condition.

2. Lifestyle factors:

Smoking, excessive drinking and poor diet are always important for health. Lack of exercise and inactive body almost slows down our blood circulation and makes a person lethargic and slow. Stress and anxiety spoil our mental health. Sleep disorders almost affect the hormonal balance in a person. Aging is a real factor. Irregular lifestyle always spoils the overall health of a person. These factors are responsible for sexual weakness.

3. Psychological factors:

There are some psychological factors like performance anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and relationship problems that affect the overall health. In fact, a person's sexual health gets affected due to these psychological factors and he does not understand why this happens in his sexual life.

Symptoms of Penile Weakness in men:

Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist doctor in Bihar, says that there are many symptoms of penile weakness, experiencing which a person can understand that his sexual life is being affected. Let us know all the symptoms which are symptoms of penile weakness in men.

  • Soft or weak erection
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection
  • Premature ejaculation (PE)
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Painful intercourse

He says that if a man experiences difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection, premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, low sexual desire and emotional distress; he should consult an experienced clinical sexologist doctor or healthcare professional for the purpose of personalized guidance, support and treatment. These all signs indicate that a person is facing the issues in his penile nerve.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Penile Weakness:

Dr. Sunil Dubey practices at Dubey Clinic which is located at Langar Toli, Chauraha and Patna-04. Different types of sexual patients visit this clinic for basic and advanced treatment of their sexual problems. He helps them all in finding out the real causes of their problems and then provides comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment and medication.

He says that there are lots of treatment options such as-

  • Medications
  • Vacuum constriction devices
  • Penile injections
  • Penile implants
  • Topical creams
  • Counselling and sexual therapy
  • Lifestyle changes (exercise and healthy diet)

He says that Ayurvedic treatment and medicine is the safest and natural method of treatment which is the basis of all medicines. In his treatment, he provides completely Ayurvedic and herbal medicines to the sexual patients to improve their sexual problems. His Ayurvedic medicines and Bhasma are world famous that is why both national and international people come in contact with him to get the sexual solutions of their lifetime.

For More Info:

Dubey Clinic

A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350-92586

Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04

Dhat Syndrome: Best Sexologist Patna Dr. Sunil Dubey offers Comprehensive Ayurvedic Treatment

 Dhat Syndrome: Sexual disorder linked to culture

It is a psychosomatic disorder characterized by excessive worry about semen loss, and is often accompanied by anxiety, depression, and sexual dysfunction. The term "Dhat" derives from the Sanskrit word "dhatu", which means "nectar" or "semen". Dhat syndrome is common in South Asian cultures, especially in India and Pakistan. In our Indian culture, semen is one of the most important body fluids that improves, maintains and strengthens overall health (physical, mental and social).

World famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is one of the best sexologists in Patna, says that Dhat syndrome affects people of different ages. People from North, South, rural and urban areas in India are affected by sexual problems related to this culture bound sexual problem. There is no exact cause for this sexual problem in western medicine but Ayurveda has 100% solution for this sexual problem. He says that this is a common sexual problem in men and it is seen in different age groups from 18 to 45 years.

Best Sexologist Patna Dr. Sunil Dubey offers Comprehensive Ayurvedic Treatment

Beliefs of Dhat Syndrome:

  • Culture and social factors (emphasis on semen conservation)
  • Misconceptions about semen production and loss
  • Anxiety, stress and depression
  • Psycho-sexual conflicts
  • Somatization disorders

Dr. Sunil Dubey is a leading and best sexologist of Bihar, India who has done his research on various sexual disorders of men and women. For the purpose of treatment, he has also researched the sexual problems associated with this culture through Ayurveda. Based on his research, daily practice, study, experience and behavior of patients; he has successfully discovered the most effective Ayurvedic medicine and treatment for them. He says that the diagnosis criteria for a patient of Dhatu Syndrome is based on loss of semen, significant distress or loss and extreme anxiety with duration of symptoms for more than 6 months.

Symptoms of Dhat Syndrome:

  • Excessive anxiety about semen loss
  • Fear of losing virility or potency
  • Preoccupation with urine or stool for sign of semen loss
  • Depression, anxiety, headaches
  • Fatigue and sleep disturbance
  • Sexual dysfunction (ED and PE)

Best Sexologist Patna Dr. Sunil Dubey offers Comprehensive Ayurvedic Treatment

Diagnosis and Treatment for Dhat Syndrome:

Dr. Sunil Dubey says that usually this is an underlying sexual problem in men and this sexual problem is treated on the basis of symptoms. Ayurvedic treatment is the most effective, safest and full-time reliable medicine that has no side effects on the body. He provides his comprehensive sexual treatment to all sexual patients at Dubey Clinic. In his treatment of Dhatu Syndrome, he provides cognitive behavioral therapy, sexual counseling, education about normal semen production and loss, relaxation techniques, anti-anxiety therapy, Ayurvedic medicines, effective Bhasma and home remedies.

He says that Dhat syndrome is a culturally linked syndrome, and its identification and treatment require a culturally sensitive approach. He says that as soon as possible, when a person experiences this sexual problem, he should consult an experienced Ayurvedic clinical sexologist doctor for guidance, support, treatment and medication. In fact, due to this sexual problem, many related conditions can arise in a person's life such as hypochondriasis, somatization disorder, anxiety disorder and depression.

Make an appointment with Dubey Clinic over the phone:

If you are experiencing symptoms of Dhat syndrome or other sexual problems, you can connect with Dubey Clinic. Make an appointment with Dubey Clinic over the phone and get your complete sexual treatment under Ayurvedic treatment and medicine privileges.

Best Sexologist - Dr. Sunil Dubey Clinic in Patna, Bihar

Every day more than a hundred people from different cities of India contact Dubey Clinic through phone and online mediums. On an average, thirty-five sexual patients visit Dubey Clinic every day to get their treatment and medicines. Dubey Clinic has been providing its services to people all over India for the last 60 years. For more information, the actual needy sexual patient can call our Helpline No: +91 98350 92586 and book his appointment to visit the clinic.

For More Info:

Dubey Clinic

A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350-92586

Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04

Monday, September 16, 2024

Azoospermia Treatment: Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Azoospermia, a sexual disorder in men:

The term “Azoospermia” comes from Greek words “Azoos” means “without seed” and “Spermia” means “seed” or “sperm”. It is a medical condition in which there is absence of sperm in the semen of men. This results in problems like infertility, emotional distress, relationship problems and low self-esteem in men.

World-renowned Ayurvedacharya and researcher Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is also the best rated sexologist in Patna, says that azoospermia is possibly curable depending on the underlying causes; it is treatable and one can improve his reproductive system. Depending on the nature of this sexual problem in men, it is divided into two types.

  1. Obstructive azoospermia (OA): In this condition, the blockage prevents sperm from being released during ejaculation.
  2. Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA): In this condition, men have problems with sperm production.
Azoospermia Treatment: Best Rating Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Causes of Azoospermia in men:

There are many causes of azoospermia sexual problems in men. Let's take a look at some of the common causes of this sexual problem and medical condition-

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Testicle damage or failure
  • Epididymal or vasal obstruction
  • Infection (epididymitis, orchitis)
  • Genetic disorders (Klinefelter syndrome)
  • Cancer therapy (chemotherapy and radiation)
  • Trauma or surgery

Symptoms of Azoospermia in men:

Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best ayurvedic sexologist in Bihar, says that usually this sexual problem is associated with the absence of sperm in the semen of men. Therefore, the common symptoms of this sexual problem are as follows-

  • Male infertility
  • Absence of sperm in semen
  • Normal or low semen volume
  • Painful ejaculation
Azoospermia Treatment: Best Rating Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Don't get confused about aspermia and azoospermia

He says that most people get confused between the sexual problems of aspermia and azoospermia. Actually, both sexual problems are related to each other, but both are different medical conditions. The similarities of both affect male infertility and both involve problems related to semen or sperm in men.

Difference between aspermia and azoospermia: -

  • Aspermia is the absence of semen during ejaculation while azoospermia is the absence of sperm in the semen.
  • Aspermia is often caused by a blockage, hormonal imbalance or neurological problems while azoospermia may be caused by testicular failure, a blockage or a genetic disorder.
  • Aspermia is the absence of semen or its quantity is very low while azoospermia is the normal quantity of semen but there are no sperm.
  • Aspermia focuses on addressing the underlying causes (surgery, hormones) while azoospermia may involve assisted reproductive technology (ART).

Dr. Sunil Dubey also says that if we talk about the relationship between aspermia and azoospermia, we find that -

  • Aspermia can cause azoospermia if the underlying cause affects sperm production.
  • Azoospermia can be a subset of aspermia if semen production is impaired.

Diagnosis and treatment of azoospermia:

The diagnosis process includes semen analysis, hormone level testing, physical examination, ultrasound or MRI, or genetic testing. Dr. Sunil Dubey is an expert in Ayurveda and sexology medical science, who has discovered many Ayurvedic treatments and medicines for various types of sexual diseases. He says that Ayurveda is the basis of all medicines and the specialty of this traditional medicine is that it does not have any side effects on the body or any function.

In his Ayurvedic treatment, he provides hormonal therapy, herbs, natural chemicals, effective Bhasma, natural tablets, oils and home remedies. All these Ayurvedic medicines are panacea for sexual patients and after a certain course of treatment, they feel better and their problems are cured. In his sexology medicine career, he has successfully treated more than 4.57 lakh sexual patients so far. Every day, more than a hundred people from all over India contact Dubey Clinic over phone to consult Dr. Sunil Dubey. He treats an average of thirty-five sexual patients every day in this clinic.

If you are experiencing symptoms of azoospermia or any other sexual problem, make an appointment with Dube Clinic. Both local and outpatients can connect with Dube Clinic after making their appointment. This clinic provides its treatment and medication facility to all over India.

Dubey Clinic

A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350-92586

Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04

Aspermia Treatment: Best Sexologist Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Aspermia, a sexual dysfunction:

Aspermia is an ejaculation disorder, a sexual dysfunction. This condition is characterized by the complete absence of semen during ejaculation, dry orgasm or lack of semen emission. Aspermia and azoospermia are related to each other but have different conditions in medicine.

World famous Ayurvedacharya and sexology medical science expert Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is also a best sexologist doctor in Patna, says that aspermia sexual problem affects 1-5% of men and this sexual problem is likely to increase in old age. Due to this sexual problem, a person may face many risk factors like male reproductive disorder, sexual dysfunction, infertility and male orgasm disorder.

Causes of aspermia in men:

Dr. Sunil Dubey says that there are many reasons for this sexual problem such as hormonal imbalance, neurological disorders, blockage or obstruction, surgical or traumatic damage, and infection lead a person to this sexual disease. If we discuss the causes in detail then we find that low testosterone levels, diabetes, spinal cord injury, thyroid disorders, testicular damage, surgeries, sexually transmitted infections, epididymitis, orchitis, chemotherapy, radiation, smoking, obesity, and other factors can be the causes.

Aspermia Treatment: Best Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Symptoms of aspermia in men:

There are some symptoms of this sexual problem in men-

  • Absence of semen during ejaculation
  • Dry orgasm during ejaculation
  • Reduced fertility
  • Emotional distress
  • No semen or very low volume

Age distribution of Aspermia patient:

The usual age range for patients with aspermia varies, but generally, according to the age distribution, it is divided into two groups-

  1. Congenital aspermia: Usually, diagnosed in early adulthood (15-25 years)
  2. Acquired aspermia: More common in older men (30-60 years)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist doctor in Bihar, even says that the most common age of aspermia sexual patient is between 20 and 50. Most of the patients of this sexual problem are 30-50 years old who come to Dubey Clinic for their treatment.

Aspermia Treatment: Best Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

When to seek help from a sexual health doctor in case of aspermia: -

Generally, people should have knowledge or information about their sexual problems where they can decide to consult their sexual healthcare professional or clinical sexologist doctor. In case of aspermia, there are some following signs that indicate to visit the clinic now.

  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Absence semen
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Testicular trauma or surgery

Diagnosis and treatment of sexual problem aspermia:

Analysis of the medical case history, physical examination, hormone level tests, imaging studies and semen tests are the process of diagnosis. Medication, surgery and assisted reproductive technology (ART) are the terms of treatment.

Dr. Sunil Dubey provides his comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment and medicine for all types of sexual patients. He says that Ayurveda is a traditional system of treatment and medicine which has 100% effective solution. It cures the problems from the root and enriches overall health. Every day more than a hundred people from different cities of India connect to Dubey Clinic over phone, while more than forty sexual patients visit this clinic in Patna. Dr. Sunil Dubey helps all of them to find out the real cause of sexual problems and then mediate.

For better results take an appointment and visit Dubey Clinic:

If you are feeling symptoms of aspermia or any other sexual problem, then take an appointment with Dubey Clinic on phone. Visit this clinic on time and get your complete sexual treatment and medicine under Ayurveda. More than 7.6 lakh sexual patients of India have benefited from this clinic so far.

Dubey Clinic

A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350-92586

Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04

Anorgasmia Treatment: Best Sexologist Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Anorgasmia, an Ejaculation Disorder:

Anorgasmia is a sexual dysfunction that comes under ejaculation disorder. Generally, it affects both men and women. Persistent or repeated inability to achieve orgasm, despite adequate sexual stimulation and arousal. This condition of sexual dysfunction is known as anorgasmia. According to the nature of this sexual dysfunction, it is classified into three types.

  1. Primary Anorgasmia: Lifelong inability to achieve orgasm
  2. Secondary Anorgasmia: Acquired inability to achieve orgasm
  3. Situational Anorgasmia: Inability to achieve orgasm in specific situation

Our world-renowned Ayurvedacharya and sexology medicine specialist Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is also a top-notch best sexologist in Patna, says that it is widespread that anorgasmia affects 10-40% of men and 20-50% of women in their sexual life. He has been associated with Ayurveda and sexology medicine for a long time, where he has researched various sexual disorders of men and women. In the case of anorgasmia, he says that generally, the sexual patient affected by this problem faces difficulty in achieving orgasm, delayed or absent orgasm, low sexual satisfaction and emotional distress.

Anorgasmia Treatment: Best Sexologist Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Causes of anorgasmia in men or women:

Dr. Sunil Dubey says that generally psychological factors, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalance, medication and lifestyle factors affect a person's sexual life as well as overall health. Let us know the causes of anorgasmia in detail.

  • Psychological factors: Anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, and relationship problems are the most common psychological factors that affect a person's sexual health.
  • Neurological disorders: Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and strokes are neurological disorders that can impair a person's sexual function.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Low testosterone and thyroid disorders are hormonal imbalances that reduce desire and satisfaction in a person's sexual life.
  • Medication: Antidepressants, antipsychotics, and blood pressure medications have some side effects that affect the sexual function of men and women.
  • Lifestyle factors: Smoking, drinking, excessive exercise, obesity and sedentary lifestyle makes a person tired in his daily or sexual life. This irregular lifestyle always matters for a healthy body due to which sexual function is also affected.

Symptoms of anorgasmia in men or women:

Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist in Bihar, also says that knowing the symptoms of any sexual problem is an indication of precaution, treatment and medicine. Based on the symptoms, a sexual patient can be aware of his health or life.

  • Difficulty achieving orgasm
  • Delayed or absent orgasm
  • Decreased sexual satisfaction
  • Emotional distress
  • Relationship problems

The symptoms of anorgasmia are mentioned above, through which a person can know about the problem of anorgasmia. By the way, it is a treatable sexual problem and Ayurveda has 100% correct treatment and solution for all sexual problems without any side-effects.

Anorgasmia Treatment: Best Sexologist Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Diagnosis and treatment of anorgasmia sexual dysfunction:

As we have already known that the diagnosis of any sexual problem is based on medical case history, physical examination, hormone level tests, imaging studies and psychological clearance. As per the diagnosis requirement of the sexual patient, an experienced clinical sexologist or sexual health therapist advises them.

In the treatment of anorgasmia sexual dysfunction, Dr. Sunil Dubey offers his comprehensive Ayurvedic medicines (herbs, natural chemicals, natural tablets, effective Bhasma and desi remedies), cognitive behavioural therapy, couple therapy, sexual counselling and important health guidelines (exercise, stress management techniques, healthy diet and smoking cessation). His sexual treatment and counselling are most effective which improves the quality of life.

He also provides some important tips for overcoming anorgasmia patients.

  • Communicate openly with partner
  • Practice relaxation techniques
  • Engage in sensual activities
  • Explore sensation in life
  • Seek professional help

Make an appointment with Dubey Clinic over the phone:

If you are experiencing symptoms of anorgasmia or any sexual disorder, consult an experienced sexual healthcare professional or clinical sexologist doctor for personalized guidance, therapy, and support. Here, Dubey Clinic is one of the best choices of Indian people which is located in Langar Toli, Chauraha, and Patna-04. Sexual patients from all over India connect to Dubey Clinic over phone to consult Dr. Sunil Dubey. He is India's leading senior sexual health doctor who is highly educated, experienced and trusted to treat all sexual patients.

If you want to join Dubey Clinic then call us at +91 98350 92586 and get the solution for your complete sexual problems under Ayurveda.

Dubey Clinic

A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350-92586

Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Anejaculation: Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Overview of Anejaculation in Men:

Anejaculation is a type of ejaculation disorder, is a condition where a man is unable to ejaculate semen during orgasm, despite normal sexual arousal and stimulation. According to the nature of this sexual problem, it is divided into three types.

  1. Primary ejaculation: A person is unable to ejaculate throughout his life
  2. Secondary ejaculation: A person has an acquired inability to ejaculate
  3. Situational ejaculation: A person has an inability to ejaculate in specific situations

World-renowned Ayurvedacharya and sexology expert Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is also a top-ranked best sexologist in Patna, says that anejaculation always affects the quality of life. Generally, a person who suffers from this sexual disorder faces problems in his emotions, relationships, self-esteem and sexual satisfaction. In his sexology career, he has researched various sexual disorders of men and women. He has successfully explored Ayurvedic medicine and herbal treatment through his Ayurveda expertise. In today's time, more than forty sexual patients from all over India are availing of Dubey Clinic every day.

Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

Causes of Anejaculation in men:

Dr. Sunil Dubey says, to get rid of any problem, it is important to know the causes of the problems. In this sexual problem, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalance, medications, psychological factors and physical factors play an important role in leading a person to this sexual problem. Let us know the causes of this sexual problem in men which will be helpful for treatment and medication.

  1. Neurological disorders: Diabetes, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries
  2. Hormonal imbalance: Low testosterone and thyroid disorders
  3. Medication: Antidepressants, antipsychotics, and blood pressure medicines
  4. Psychological factors: Anxiety, depression, stress, and relationship issues
  5. Physical factors: Prostate surgery, urethral stricture, and Epididymitis

Symptoms of anejaculation in men:

Dr. Sunil Dubey is one of the best sexologists in Bihar because most of the sexual patients of this state always choose him first for their treatment and medication. He says that to prevent any problem, it is important to know the symptoms of the problem, only then a person can be aware of his problem.

  • Inability to ejaculate during orgasm
  • Reduced semen volume
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm
  • Emotional distress
Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

He says that if anyone faces the following situation in their sexual life, then it is really a serious matter. He should immediately consult an experienced sexual health doctor or clinical sexologist doctor for personalized guidance, treatment, and support.

  • Difficulty in ejaculation persists
  • Emotional distress increases day by day
  • Problems arise in relationships
  • Sexual satisfaction decreases

Diagnosis and treatment of sexual problems:

The diagnosis of anejaculation is based on medical case history, physical examination, hormone level tests, imaging studies and psychological evaluation. For a permanent solution, Ayurvedic treatment and medication is the safest and most effective option where sexual patients get complete relief from their problem without any side effects.

In his treatment, Dr. Sunil Dubey provides herbs, natural chemicals, effective Bhasma, herbal tablets and oils. He also provides cognitive-behavioural therapy, sexual therapy and couple therapy to the patient. Apart from medical and non-medical treatment, he helps them to improve their lifestyle changes (exercise, stress management techniques, healthy diet chart and smoking cessation) which helps them to maintain a good health. He says that Ginseng, Maca, L-arginine, zinc supplements, and Ashwagandha are natural remedies that help over all health.

Make an appointment with Dubey Clinic:

If you are looking for a sexologist doctor for personal guidance and support, then Dubey Clinic is the best choice for all sexual patients. This clinic provides complete treatment and cure to married and unmarried sexual patients. Appointments are available over the phone for people across India.


Dubey Clinic

A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350-92586

Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04

Ayurvedic Sexologist in Patna, Bihar for People | Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Hello friends, as many people have requested Dubey Clinic to know the difference between a Gupt Rog doctor and a sexologist doctor. They have some confusion about choosing their sexual healthcare professional for personalized guidance, treatment, medication and consultation purpose. That is why; in today's session, we have come up with this topic which is related to the role of a Gupt Rog doctor and a sexologist doctor in a sexual patient's life.

Gupt Rog Doctor (Ayurvedic/Unani):

Actually, Gupt rog doctors are specialists in traditional Indian medicine. They focus on treating sexual health problems using Ayurvedic or Unani systems of medicine. They emphasize herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle changes. They may not have formal training in modern sexology.

Sexologist Doctor (Modern Medicine):

A sexologist doctor is a trained medical professional who has an MD or MS in sexology. He focuses on diagnosing and treating sexual health problems using modern medicine. He emphasizes evidence-based treatments, medication, and therapy. He may have additional training in psychology, psychiatry, or urology.

Ayurvedic Sexologist in Patna

Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor (Ph.D. in Ayurveda)

In fact, an Ayurvedic sexologist doctor is an expert in traditional and naturopathic medicine. He focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of overall sexual health problems using Ayurveda and naturopathy. He emphasizes herbal remedies, indigenous treatments, and naturopathy. He may have additional training in human anatomy, psychology medical science, and holistic health.

World famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is also the best ayurvedic sexologist in Patna, says that Ayurveda is the best and safest way of treatment and medicine for all sexual problems. It provides complete solution for any chronic sexual problem where there is no side effect on the body. He is specialist in Ayurveda and Sexology medical science treating all sexual patients at Dubey Clinic since last 35 years.

He provides his comprehensive sexual treatment to male and female sexual patients. There is a list of sexual problems of men and women which are treated at Dubey Clinic.

  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Premature Ejaculation (PE)
  • Male Infertility (MI)
  • Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD)
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • Sexual Weakness in men
  • Night Discharge or Nocturnal Emission
  • Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count)
  • Couple Sexual Counseling
  • Dhat Syndrome

When to consult a sexologist doctor for better results: -

Generally, if you are facing any difficulty in your sexual health or life; you can consult a qualified sexual health professional for personalized guidance, treatment, and support. Ayurvedic clinical sexologist doctor is one of the best options if you want to get rid of your sexual problems from the root. In fact, it is the natural system of medicine and treatment where it improves the overall sexual health without any side-effects.

Make an appointment at Dubey Clinic for permanent solution:

If you are planning to consult a sexologist clinic, then Dubey Clinic is one of the most trusted and best options for all sex patients (married and unmarried). It is a certified Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science Clinic located in Langar Toli, Chauraha and Patna-04. It has been providing its treatment and medicine facilities to all types of male and female sex patients for the last 60 years.

Book an appointment over the phone between 8 AM to 8 PM daily to visit the clinic or avail on-call consultation. Every day, more than forty sexual patients are availing the services of Dubey Clinic.


Dubey Clinic

A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350-92586

Venue: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04

Male SDP: Best Sexologist Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey

  Painful Intercourse (Dyspareunia) in men: Most of the people report that they have painful ejaculation or painful intercourse. In fact, do...