Saturday, June 17, 2023

Meet to Best Sexologist in Patna, Leave your dilly-dally tactics – Dr. Sunil Dubey

 क्या आप वास्तव में अपनी यौन समस्या को अपने शयनकक्ष से बाहर निकालना चाहते हैं?

यहां यह सवाल पुरुष और महिला दोनों से पूछा जा रहा है। एक बार और - क्या आप सच में किक आउट करना चाहते हो?

यदि आपका उत्तर हाँ है, है ना; तो आपको अपने सबसे विश्वसनीय सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर के कुछ सुझावों का पालन करने की आवश्यकता है? जैसा कि वह आपको सुझाव देते हैं इसलिए आपको अपने स्वस्थ यौन जीवन के लिए आगे भी करना होगा। जीवन को खराब करना बहुत आसान काम है लेकिन सेहत को सुधारना सबसे मुश्किल काम है।

एक पुरानी कहावत है जो कहती है, "रोम एक दिन में नहीं बनता।" उसी तरह, अगर आप हमेशा के लिए फिट रहना चाहते हैं तो आपको दैनिक जीवन में अपने नियमित काम का पालन करना होगा।

विश्वविख्यात आयुर्वेदाचार्य डॉसुनील दुबे की कलम से:

लोगों की फरमाइश पर पटना के बेस्ट सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉ. सुनील दुबे अपने एक सेक्शुअल पेशेंट के बारे में बातचीत कहते हैं. हमने उस मरीज से अनुमति ली है जिससे यह वास्तविक कहानी जुड़ी है।

यह पटना की मिस एमके वर्मा हैं जिन्होंने दुबे क्लिनिक का दौरा किया और अपने पति के लिए उचित दवाएं लीं। दरअसल, उसका पति पुरुष बांझपन का शिकार था और वह एक बच्चा चाहती थी। उन्होंने खुद गूगल से दुबे क्लिनिक का नंबर ऑनलाइन ढूंढा और वहां जाने का फैसला किया। उन्होंने फोन पर अपना अपॉइंटमेंट लिया और निर्धारित समय पर अपने पति के साथ क्लीनिक पहुंची।

वेटिंग हॉल में वे और उनके पति दोनों सोफे पर बैठे थे। जैसे ही उसका नाम पुकारा गया, वह अपने पति के साथ डॉक्टर के कक्ष में चली गई। निम्नलिखित बातचीत वास्तव में दिलचस्प है और किसी के लिए कुछ अच्छे सबक हैं।

मधु वर्मा: हाय डॉक्टर! मैं मधु हूं और वह मेरे पति अनंतवीर हैं। दरअसल, उन्हें पुरुष बांझपन है, ठीक से याद नहीं है लेकिन वर्तमान में उन्हें है। मुझे एक बच्चा चाहिए था इसलिए; हम यहाँ आए।

डॉसुनील दुबे: अपनी समस्या साझा करने के लिए धन्यवाद मैम। यह ठीक है और अब डरने की जरूरत नहीं है। हम, दुबे क्लिनिक आपके पति को सबसे प्रभावी आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा सुविधाएं प्रदान करते हैं और निश्चित रूप से कुछ महीनों के बाद उनका पुरुष बांझपन दोष दूर हो जाएगा। वह उनके पति की मैन्युअल रूप से जाँच करते है और दवाएँ लिखते है।

मधु वर्मा : डॉक्टर साहब, कृपया करके बताये कि ये आयुर्वेद की दवाई असर करेगी न?

डॉसुनील दुबे: जी, मैडम। चिंता मत करो। हमने कई बांझपन रोगियों को ठीक किया है और अब उनके पास बच्चे हैं और एक स्वस्थ यौन जीवन है।

मधु वर्मा: यह दवा कब तक चलेगी?

डॉसुनील दुबे: दरअसल, मैडम। आपके पति के शुक्राणुओं की संख्या कम है इसलिए इस आयुर्वेदिक दवा को लगभग 3-6 महीने तक लेना संभव है।

मधु वर्मा: एक आखिरी सवाल डॉक्टर, क्या आप मुझे बता सकते हैं कि भारत में कितने प्रतिशत लोग इस पुरुष बांझपन की समस्या से पीड़ित हैं?

डॉसुनील दुबे: दुबे क्लिनिक के मरीजों के दौरे के अनुसार, इस बांझपन के इलाज के लिए 100 में से 10-15% रोगी यहां आते हैं।

संक्षेप में, दुबे क्लिनिक आप सभी के स्वस्थ जीवन की कामना करता है। जब भी आप बीमार हों या कोई यौन रोग हो तो धैर्य रखें। स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ से सलाह लें जो आपको और आपकी समस्या दोनों को समझता है।

शुभकामना सहित:

दुबे क्लिनिक

(भारत में एक आईएसओ प्रमाणित क्लिनिक)

डॉसुनील दुबेगोल्ड मेडलिस्ट सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट

बीएएमएस (रांची) | एमआरएचएस (लंदन) | पीएच.डीआयुर्वेद में (यूएसए)

पद्म श्री डॉसीपीठाकुरराज्यसभा सांसद और पूर्व केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्री द्वारा बिहार रत्न से सम्मानित

हेल्पलाइन नंबर: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

के लिए परामर्शपुरुष और महिला जीर्ण यौन रोगत्वचापेटऔर सभी प्रकार की बीमारी आदि।

स्थानदुबे मार्केटदुबे नर्सिंग होमलंगर टोली चौराहापटना-800004

डॉ से मिलने का समय: 12:00-18:00

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Kick out your sexual problems meeting to Best Sexologist in Patna – Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Do you really want to kick your sexual problem out from your bedroom?

Here, this question is being asked from both male and female. Once more- Do you really want to kick out?

If your answer is yes, isn’t it; then you need to follow some tips of your most reliable sexologist doctor in Patna? As he suggests you so you have to do further for your healthy sexual life. It is a very easy task to spoil a life but it is the toughest work to improve the health condition.

There is an old proverb that says, “Rome is not built in a day.” The same way, if you want to become fit forever then you have to follow your routine work in a daily life.

From the world-famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey's pen:

On the request of people, the best sexologist in Patna, Dr. Sunil Dubey narrates a conversation about his one sexual patient. We have taken permission from that patient whom this real story relates to.

This is Miss MK Verma from Patna who visited Dubey Clinic and took proper medicines for her husband. In fact, her husband was victim of male infertility and she wanted a child. She herself found Dubey Clinic number from Google online and decided to visit there. She took her appointment on-phone and on the scheduled time she arrived at the clinic with her hubby.

Both she and her husband were sitting in sofa at the waiting hall. As her name was called, she went into the doctor’s chamber with her husband. The following conversation is really interesting and some good lessons for anyone.

Madhu Verma: Hi doctor! I am Madhu and he is my husband Ananthaveer. Actually, he has male infertility, exactly not remember but presently he has. I wanted a child that’s why; we came here.

Dr. Sunil Dubey: Thank you mam for sharing your problem. It is okay and no need to scare now. We, Dubey Clinic provides the most effective Ayurvedic Medicare privileges to your hubby and surely his male infertility defect will be removed after some months. He checks her husband manually and prescribes medicines.

Madhu Verma: Doctor, Please tell me that this Ayurveda medicines will be effective, won’t it?

Dr. Sunil Dubey: Yes, Madam. Don’t worry. We have cured many infertility patients and now they have children and a healthy sexual life.

Madhu Verma: How long will this medicine last?

Dr. Sunil Dubey: Actually, Madam. You husband has low-sperm count so it is possible to take this ayuredic medicine nearly 3-6 months.

Madhu Verma: One last question doctor, can you please tell me how many percentages of people are suffering from this male infertility problems in India?

Dr. Sunil Dubey: According to Dubey Clinic patients' visit, 10-15% patients in out of 100 came here for this infertility treatment sake.

In nutshell, Dubey Clinic wishing a very healthy life to all of you. Keep patience whenever you fall ill or any sexual disease. Consult the health expert who understands both you and your problem.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:







Youtube Channel

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Healing Pain Problems by Best Sexologist in Patna, Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Are you a female and having a problem with pain disorder in your sexual life?

Generally, the numbers of women sexual patients is higher than men in all over world. In fact, there are a large number of reasons behind this women sexual problem. By the way, we are discussing on Pain Sexual Disorder so let us come to the point.

About Pain Sexual Disorder:

Pain problem is the fourth type of sexual disorder where male or female gets pain during their intercourse time. In this case, Male is affected with penile problems while a female is affected due to Vaginismus, During Intercourse or other issues. Due to this problem, where the patient is troubled, at the same time his partner also starts getting worried.

If you think this pain is normal thing then it might be your misunderstanding for your partner health?

Whenever you feel or know about this pain sexual disorder, you have to consult the best sexologist in Patna – Dr. Sunil Dubey Clinic. It is Dubey Clinic that is fully Ayurveda Medicare Clinic that is located at Patna, Bihar. The sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey is a renowned personality in this sexologist profession in Patna, Bihar India. Both the 38 districts of Bihar sexual patients and all over India sexual patients always contact this clinic for their better sexual health.

This medically registered and certified clinic always help them in their problems time. First of all, most of the patients contact this clinic on-phone and after that they take an appointment to visit this clinic. This Ayurveda Medicare Clinic is open every day in a week. The opening and closing time of Dubey Clinic is from 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM for 365 days.

Till now, this clinic has cured more than 65,000 sexual patients successfully. This clinic provides self-made ayurvedic clinic after preparing in Dubey Lab. The expert teams of Ayurveda prepare this medicine and convey the patients. The medication of Dubey Clinic is 100% effective and panacea for all the chronic sexual patients. The people of India like him from bottom to top level because he has given many sexual patients rebirth.

Do you want to take your appointment, then why you are getting late? Just dial Dubey Clinic and confirm your appointment.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:







Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Orgasm Problems Ayurveda Therapy by Best Sexologist in Patna, Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Have you an orgasm problem in your sexual life? It does not matter that you are a male or female. Generally, this orgasm problem can affect anyone life.

Orgasm Problems is the third type of sexual disorder where the sexual patient starts losing his orgasm. He or she does not satisfy during this natural sexual activity. Both partners are incomplete with their getting orgasm. In this case, one partner is satisfied or the other remains unsatisfied. The reason behind this sexual problem is absence or delayed relates to the patient’s orgasm.

If you feel the same situation in your sexual activity, then you need to consult the Best Sexologist in Patna – Dubey Clinic. This is a world-famous sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey who has two and an half decade experience in this sexologist profession. He has successfully cured more than 65000 patients. On the one side he checks up and treats the patients in the clinic, the other side he gives much time to research the latest and most effective ayuredic medicines for the chronic sexual patients.


Although he has researched many sexual medicines in the profession of Ayurveda such as- Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility Treatment, and so on. Mostly patients have fixed their sexual problems after taking his ayurvedic medicines.

As a matter of fact, all over sexual patients almost contact him on-phone to boost their sexual health. He has been treating them as far as possible. The outstation patients mostly demand for medicines through courier. This clinic always facilitates their demand providing them medicines at their places.

If you are a sexual patient and feel the symptom of Arousal Sexual Disorder Problem, then you need to contact Dubey Clinic immediately. This clinic always provides the purest, the safest, and the most effective Ayurvedic Medicines where you are capable or rooting out your chronic sexual disease. The appointment is available on-phone where anyone can get his appointment for his better sexual life.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:







Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Arousal Problems treated by Best Sexologist in Patna, Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Do you know about Arousal Disorder that is the second type of sexual disease happens in male or female?

A Short Note about Arousal Disorder:

Arousal Disorder is the second form of sexual disorder where a man or woman has difficulty to become physical aroused during sexual activity. The patient becomes hot like fire and cool like water. This phenomenon happens for a short period where the patient does not understand anything that happened to him.

There are plenty of reasons of this arousal disorder problem such as- Pornography habituation, Alcohol Addiction, Work-Stress, Irregular or Low-balanced diet, Obsessive Presumption mind, Physical Issues, Bad Company, and so on.

Whenever a male or female comes into contact with this arousal disorder sexual disease, he or she distracts from his or her partner. Both marital lives become fragile and tensed. This type of sexual patient needs to consult the best sexologist in Patna – Dr. Sunil Dubey. He is a world-famous Ayurvedacharya and Sexologist doctor that has researched many sexual ayurvedic medicines for the sexual ill. Usually, he has been curing the patients for more than 25 years. After a long-time expansion in this sexologist profession, he has bagged many state, national, and international awards for the contribution in Ayurveda Medicare and Sexologist Performance.

In fact, Dubey Clinic is a top-class ayurvedic clinic that is located at Langar Toli Chauraha in Patna, Bihar. Everywhere sexual patients contact this certified clinic for their best sexual health. Dr. Sunil Dubey provides all of them the best precaution, medication, and treatment privileges.

This clinic ayurvedic medicine is self-made product that is not available in open-market. One who gets his medical checkup and treatment in this clinic is always gets this clinic medicines for all the time being.

If you are the patient who is infected with this arousal sexual disorder then you need to consult Dubey Clinic. The call representatives of this clinic will be helping to go further more for the better sexual life.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:







Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Desire Problems cured by Best Sexologist in Patna, Dr. Sunil Dubey

 Are you suffering from Desire Disorder?

Desire Disorder is a sexual problem where any male or female is affected and his or her sexual interest and desire starts to decline. The sexual patient becomes mentally irritated and he starts having negative thinking in life.

Both male and female can suffer from this sexual problem. The Low Sex Desire is the cause of this sexual problem. Whenever you feel this type of situation in your sexual life, then you need to consult the best sexologist in Patna. Only sexologist has your most reliable solution for your problem.

Dubey Clinic is an Ayurvedic Clinic that is located at Langar Toli Chauraha in Patna. This clinic is the oldest clinic in Bihar where all over India patients get their medication, treatment, and proper consultation for their strong sexual life. Dr. Sunil Dubey is the most-famous name in this sexologist profession. He is a world-famous Ayurvedacharya treats the patients in this clinic. His long-time experience and medication are panacea for the chronic sexual patients.

This clinic provides A to Z Ayurvedic Medicines for Desire Disorder sexual patients’ sake. Dubey Clinic provides this medication and treatment privileges to all the classes of sexual ill every day. Dr. Sunil Dubey treats the patients from 12:00 PM to 08:00 PM every day. The doctor’s consultation fee is only Rs 200/- where any person can easily pay and know about his problems.

Both local and the outstation patients consult this clinic every day for their better sexual health. This clinic provides them an on-call doctor privilege that is incapable of arriving at the clinic destination.

If you are the sexual ill who suffers this desire sexual disorder problem, then you consult Dubey Clinic on-phone? This call representative will help you to take your appointment.

With Best Wishes:

Dubey Clinic

(An ISO Certified Clinic in India)

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist

B.A.M.S (Ranchi) | M.R.H.S (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)

Awarded with Bihar Ratna by By Padma Shri Dr. C. P. Thakur, Rajya Sabha MP and former Union Health Minister

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112

Consultation for: Male & Female Chronic Sexual Dysfunction, Skin, Stomach, & All kinds of Disease etc.

Venue: Dubey Market, Dubey Nursing Home, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna-800004

Doctor Appointment: 12:00-18:00

Web info:







Youtube Channel

Tags: #dubeyclinic #drsunildubey #bihar #patna #sexologist #guptrog #india #bestsexologist #health #ayurveda #healthcare #ayurvedacharya #medical #ayurvedicmedicine #sexuallife #healthcareprofessionals

Best Sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey messages to people of Patna, Bihar India

 पटना के बेस्ट सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट का लोगों को संदेश - डॉसुनील दुबे

आज सेक्स प्रॉब्लम इस कदर बढ़ती जा रही है और लोग अपनी परेशानी खुलकर नहीं बता रहे हैं।

उन्हें अपनी समस्याओं पर शर्म आती है। जिससे यह यौन रोग व्यक्ति को उनके अंदरूनी पक्षों पर जटिल बना देता है।

विश्वविख्यात आयुर्वेदाचार्य ने कहा है, "अपनी यौन या गुप्त समस्या को छुपाना बुरी बात है।"

जो इस यौन समस्या से प्रभावित है, उसे अपनी समस्याओं को विश्वसनीय और अनुभवी सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर को अवश्य बताना चाहिए।

उन्होंने कहा कि यौन पीड़ित अपनी समस्याओं पर कभी शर्माएं नहीं क्योंकि अगर वह ऐसा करेगा तो समस्या और बढ़ जाएगी और भविष्य में उसे बड़ी परेशानी होगी।

यौन विकार से पीड़ित लोग दुबे क्लिनिक से अपनी यौन समस्याओं के बारे में कैसे पूछते हैं?


यौन पीड़ित शरमा जाता है, हिचकिचाता है और अपनी समस्याओं को साझा करने के लिए थोड़ा कहता है।

 सबसे पहले, वह हमसे फोन पर संपर्क करता है और क्लिनिक और डॉक्टर के बारे में पूछता है। उसके बाद वह झिझक कर थोड़ी सी सेक्सुअल प्रॉब्लम शेयर करते हैं।

दुबे क्लिनिक उन्हें पीड़ित की समस्याओं को विस्तार से साझा करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है।

 दुबे क्लिनिक के सभी प्रतिनिधि विशेषज्ञ हैं और सभी यौन रोगियों के लिए मददगार हैं या तो वह पुरुष है या वह महिला है।

 इससे कुछ समय के लिए कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता क्योंकि यह क्लिनिक मरीजों की समस्याओं को लगभग हल करना चाहता है।

जैसे-जैसे मरीजों को चर्चा से आराम मिलता है, हमारे कॉल प्रतिनिधि उन्हें बताते हैं कि विश्व प्रसिद्ध आयुर्वेदाचार्य और पटना के सबसे अच्छे सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट - डॉ. सुनील दुबे से कैसे सलाह ली जाए।

दवा और उपचार के लिए नियुक्ति:

मरीजों को फोन पर अप्वाइंटमेंट लेना होता है। उन्हें अपना नाम और पता दर्ज कराना होता है, जिससे नियुक्ति की प्रक्रिया तय की जा सके। नियुक्ति की पुष्टि के बाद, मरीज अपनी दवा और उपचार के लिए समय पर दुबे क्लिनिक जा सकते हैं।

बाहर के मरीजों के लिए ऑन-कॉल सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट:

दुबे क्लिनिक उन रोगियों को ऑन-कॉल डॉक्टर सेवा प्रदान करता है जो क्लिनिक में आने में असमर्थ हैं।

 वे एक ही समय में परामर्श और दवा दोनों चाहते हैं।

यह क्लिनिक उन्हें ऑन-कॉल डॉक्टर विशेषाधिकार प्रदान करता है जिसके द्वारा रोगी अपनी समस्याओं को साझा करते हैं और यह क्लिनिक उनकी दवाओं को उनके स्थान पर पहुंचाकर उनकी समस्याओं का समाधान करता है।

यह क्लिनिक पूरी तरह से आयुर्वेद और प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा दवाएं प्रदान करता है जिसका कोई ना तो दुष्प्रभाव है और ना ही  हानिकारक है।

सभी लोग अपनी यौन समस्याओं को जड़ से खत्म करने के लिए इस आयुर्वेद मेडिकेयर का सेवन कर सकते हैं।

यौन समस्याओं को ठीक करने की 100% गारंटी:

यद्यपि भारत और नेपाल आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा और उपचार में निपुण हैं, तथापि इस चिकित्सा का विकास पूरे विश्व में हो चुका है।

इसलिए, आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा और उपचार पूरे भारत में प्रसिद्ध हैं।

 चूंकि, यह क्लिनिक पटना में स्थित है, लेकिन इसकी आयुर्वेदिक दवाएं और उपचार न केवल भारत में, बल्कि संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन और दुबई में भी सभी उम्र के यौन रोगियों के बीच लोकप्रिय हैं।

शुभकामना सहित:

दुबे क्लिनिक

(भारत में एक आईएसओ प्रमाणित क्लिनिक)

डॉसुनील दुबेगोल्ड मेडलिस्ट सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट

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पद्म श्री डॉसीपीठाकुरराज्यसभा सांसद और पूर्व केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्री द्वारा बिहार रत्न से सम्मानित

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स्थानदुबे मार्केटदुबे नर्सिंग होमलंगर टोली चौराहापटना-800004

डॉ से मिलने का समय: 12:00-18:00

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  भारत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर पटना, बिहार में | डॉ. सुनील दुबे हैल्लो फ्रेंड्स, दुबे क्लिनिक में आपका स्वागत है। आज का यह सत्र ...